Rawther Maravar Brotherhood

rawthers shares DNA similarities with tamil maravar communities. most of the rawthers were maravar converts by the influence of turkish horse traders or trainers.

turkish traders and missionaries settle down in madurai region and developed new muslim community. they were always keep very good relationship with other maravars.

they always fought shoulder to shoulder with common enemies. they calls each other "mama".

once i faced some issues in a big city with large muslim population in kerala, madurai guy came up for my help.

once my athamma (grandmother) told me "blood will identify the blood"

we need to be united with our brothers by ethnicity. the turkish influence is 5 percentage only. we are 95% pandian muslims.

still in kerala, rawther muslims (those who came together with maravar army to support travanacore and thekkancore kings) are called as pandian tulukans. Pandian rule in tamil nadu ended on 13th century.

Muttal Rawther, One of guardian Diety in Drawpathi ammal Temple. The second guardian Diety is Pothar maravan. 

when Delhi Sultan's army invaded madurai. Both maravar army and rawther army together defented madurai meenakshi temple(story from some oral tradition)


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